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Sunday, 27 January 2008
It's just a jump to the left
Topic: Cinema

A busy and long Saturday. Ran around and had brunch with Jim, then went to stage one of Matt's Bithday March to the Sea and Tommy's (along with Jim and Becky). Jim departs and Becky and I move to stage two of the march at the Buckshot bar where we play too much shuffleboard. Becky later drops me at Dana's, and he and I cab it to La Trappe for stage three. The plan from there is to cab it to or catch a ride to the Clay Theater for a midnight Rocky Horror screening, but by the time we're done at La Trappe it's clear that Matt, his wife, nor his guest are in any shape to drive, so I take the keys and drive them home, collecting my car on the way. I am thanked profusely by Matt and crew, and they stagger into his house, no doubt to drink more.

Dana and I head to the Clay, and after standing in the rain for too long we get situated, and Dana starts worrying that he's forgotten a window open, and further worries that the rain will ruin his hardwood floors, so he grabs and cab and hurries off to check. Mind you, we came to Rocky Horror because he's never seen it with an audience doing the things that a Rocky audience do, and at first I'm afriad he's going to come in so late he'll miss too much of the experience. However, the cast that performs with the film do an intro that is so long that by the time the film starts, Dana is back.

After throwing toilet paper, blowing noisemakers, waving lights, tossing playing cards, and dancing the Time Warp, the theater's a disaster and we're bushed. We get back to his place, get the dog walked, and crawl in bed. Oh, and Dana wants to see Secret Identity Crisis and the Behind the Scenes bit.

It's 4 a.m. by the time we get to sleep. Zzzzzz

Sunday's more leisurely... thank goodness!

Posted by molyneaux at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 10:36 PM PDT
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