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Saturday, 8 March 2008
Nyeh, What's Up Doc?
Topic: Cinema

Today I’d thought to take Dana to Point Reyes to watch whales migrating, but I decided to put that off two weeks when I saw a chart that indicated the migratory peak would be then.

With that postponed, Dana suggested that we go see the 1972 film “What’s Up, Doc?” as part of the Peter Bogdanovich retrospective going on at the Castro Theater. Friday night Dana saw “The Last Picture Show” and both Bogdanovich and Cybil Shepherd appeared on stage to talk about it.

So, we go to the theater, and take what are becoming our regular seats in the second to the last row—because those seats are on a riser and no matter who sits in front of you, you can always see the screen. Before the movie, Bogdanovich appears on stage and tells some stories about making it. Afterwards, the lights go down and they start running trailers of other Bogdanovich films.

And then, Mr., Director takes his seat—in the back row—directly behind us! Literally, he was in the seat right behind Dana. It’s funny to watch a movie and know the director is breathing down your neck. Fortunately, it’s a great, funny, charming movie, so there was plenty to laugh at. And, heck, it was funny to hear which parts the director himself laughed at.

If you’ve never seen the film, rent it. It’s a terrific homage to screwball comedies of the 30s, with sharp writing, spot-on acting (including the Hollywood debut of Madeline Kahn, who steals the show out from under Barbra Streisand’s...nose), and an amazing and hilarious chase scene that’s an homage old silent film comedies. Imagine big Harold Lloyd stunts done amongst San Francisco’s get the idea.

Oh, and it ends with Bugs Bunny. How can you go wrong?

Posted by molyneaux at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 10 March 2008 1:42 AM PST
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