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Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Flight Control flies on... more,,,
Topic: Makin' Movies

Concept for the rear wall...

As per yesterday's post, here's a quick sketch for the rear wall for a few shots. For this I'll put the actor in a chair near the camera with some mockup backs of the "floating" screens of the original set position in front of him, with some lights mounted on them to get a glow on his face, and a small piece hung overhead to replicate the back of the overhead unit in the original set.

Speaking of the set, above is the full set as it was shot...well, almost...above was a test of making a digital matte painting to fill in some bits where the set ended. But you can see the "dimpled" panels along the top of the wall to the right, the same ones noted in the sketch. You can also see the overhead unit.

The underside of it looked like this...

 ...and, yes, that round thing IS a model of the flying saucer from The Invaders (a Quinn Martin Production).


Posted by molyneaux at 11:25 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 10:19 PM PDT
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