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Tuesday, 8 June 2004
Happy Dead President's Day
Topic: Politics
I should be ashamed of myself. But I'm not. Ronald Reagan is dead and I'm glad for it.

Sure, maybe he was a great and personable guy to those who knew him. Sure maybe he was compassionate when he was engaged by real human beings. And yet he's the poster boy for the modern conservative movement that's the worst offender when it comes to dismantling this country and subverting its institutions. This is the guy who helped convince so many middle and lower class Americans that the Republican Party was looking out for them, and that "liberal" was a bad word. Enjoy those tax cuts and think how much better off you are, meanwhile the country's infrastructure starts falling apart and more and more public institutions are handed over to private concerns who are only interested in making a buck.

I hate Bush's policies - both Bushs' - but they could not have existed without Reagan. He was the Charlie McCarthy on the hand of the Edgar Bergan that is the right wing of this county.

That's why I toasted his demise on Sunday, and why all day long I was humming a verse from Elvis Costello:
That's when they fin'ly
Put you in the ground
I'll stand on your grave
And tramp the dirt down

Posted by molyneaux at 11:59 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:45 PM PDT
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