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Domesticity isn't pretty
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Naked from the Neck Up
Thursday, 13 January 2005
Q&A Via Email
Topic: Just Cause...
I got this via email. I'm never comfortable sending things like this it smacks of Spam, but I filled it out anyway and decided to put it on here and on a Yahoo Club I maintain.
Welcome to the next edition of getting to know your Friends.

What you're supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire email and paste it onto a New email that you'll send. Change all of the Answers so that they apply to you. Then, send this to a whole bunch of people you know "INCLUDING" The person who sent it to you. The theory is that you'll learn a lot of little known facts about Your friends. It's fun and easy. You might be surprised with some of the things you learn about People you think you know!

Somewhere in San Francisco with a view.

My shirt that is nearly magenta, which everyone always compliments me on.

Songs for a New Generation, the B-52's

8 a.m.

The coffeemaker.

The piano.

7. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE COLORS?! Yellooooooooooooow! (and if you get it, kudos!)

Of course. It's a game, commercially available. Buy now!
Actually, no.

Sports car. SUV's are glorified trucks that roll over waaaay too easy. I hear about SUVs rolled over on the traffic reports all the time. What did they say about the Suzuki Samurai? 0 to 180 (degrees) in 1.2 seconds!

10. FAVORITE CHILDREN'S BOOK? As a child, The Boxcar Children. I don't read Children's books now, and neither should you. And the Harry Potter books are technically for young adults, so Booyah! on you if you said it. DO not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Indian Summer.

The power to block SPAM and keep people from forwarding lame jokes.

Don't have any. Won't get any.

At work, yes. Mandatory!

Charles F. musican once-friend who sorta fell off the face of the Earth.


My car is a hatchback, ergo no trunk. But in the back are rain clothes and a tripod. Thanks for asking.

Not gonns email it...but I'm gonna post it on my Yahoo Club called Fallon's Fallen. My guess is Sherri will reply first, since I know she sent this to question 21's answer.

Brian Doe. Karen. Tracy. Gene. Barry. Damn you all! ;)

Phil in Elko...the metrosexual in the middle of nowhere!

Posted by molyneaux at 1:06 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:34 PM PDT
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Friday, 7 January 2005
Pine Sol clean
Topic: Work Stuff
I'm so behind on this Blog...I really have to get back in the habit of writing in it.

This week's been rough. I've been pulling 11 hour days at work. Thank goodness I'm meeting a developer in San Francisco mid-afternoon, because it'll force me to get away from the office and get off work at something approaching a reasonable hour.

Kinda backfilling events since my last posting, on Monday Dec. 20 I attended the company Christmas Lunch, held at the Decathalon Club in Santa Clara. The food was decent, and there was wine. Once nice thing was that the company popped for actual entertainment, having hired two comics from San Francsico to perform for us. The first guy was the funnier...a juggler and comic who runs a comedy club in Union Sqaure. The second is someone probably better known, but not as a comic. She's the woman who appears as the Pine Sol lady in all the commericials. In her act, she was talking about how the only video game she can play is Ms. PAC-MAN, but complained that it as hard to play on her cell phone...and as she said this, she looked right at me, which is funny because I'm in charge of the cell phone products at Namco. After that, she kept talking to me throughout the act. She even gave a gift certifacte for Pine Sol. After that, I won one of the table decorations in a raffle, which, strangely enough, was made from Pine branches.

So, no, I wasn't pine-ing for anything that day.

Posted by molyneaux at 12:46 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:35 PM PDT
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Sunday, 12 December 2004
More Incredibles
Topic: Cinema
Went to see The Incredibles again on Saturday. Great movie. Definitely a must-have on DVD. I'm always impressed how PIXAR's animation and rendering is two years ahead of everyone else's. I loved director Brad Bird's "The Iron Giant", so I'm thrilled he's two for two in the feature dept now.

Spoke to Terry today. Making plans to get together next weekend and hash over his script. I reworked the scene directions in the fist 16 pages of it, and I need to get on the next chunk. The plan is for me to help him streamline the directions so we can get an accurate page count, and then start hashing over the scenes and characters and dialogue. I'm looking forward to it because I like the story, and it's fun to work on something so utterly different than the kind of thing I would write.

Posted by molyneaux at 4:11 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:37 PM PDT
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Saturday, 11 December 2004

Topic: Day to Day
Well, it's over with Nick Pettitt and I. Not that there was much there, just a few visits in 2002 and 2003, but I'm still disappointed.

Well, let me qualify "disappointed". Nick's partnered, so I never had any illusions about the relationship being more than what it was. But I did like his company when we were together. I'd hoped we could stay long-distance friends who occasionally saw each other, but apparently he started to see our getting together as some sort of obligation, which is too bad. I never asked anything much of him...even he was the one who instigated all his visits here. Just goes to show you that sometimes even asking for nothing is too much. Cest la vie!

Actually, I'm surprisingly ambivalent about the whole thing. I knew it was coming when he typed "we have to talk" just before I went to bed Thursday night, but I didn't lose any sleep over it. I mean, how broke up can you really be about someone after 18 months where all you do is type a few short messages to each other a couple of times a week?

Friday was a little crappy at work. Lots of stuff didn't go right. No major disasters, just lots of frustrations. Fortunately the evening was pretty good. I went out with my friend (and next door neighbor) Patrick and his new boyfriend for Happy Hour, and chatted with some nice guys. A nice wind-down to the week, and the kind I rarely get as I don't usually get home from work in time to go out for things like that.

Also, I got a call that my new dining room table has arrived from Italy. Now I have to arrange to go pick it up, as the cost of shipping it here from SW San Francisco is a bit much!

Posted by molyneaux at 12:44 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:36 PM PDT
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Saturday, 20 November 2004
Behind the times
Topic: Day to Day
Boy, I've let this go months without an entry!

So much has short:
  1. MOVED. After 7 years in my apt. at Lake Merritt, I moved. My previous entry here was when I decided to make the move. I've been here a little over two monrhs now, but I'm nowhere near settled. Work's had me so busy that I'm seldom home! I did manage to order a dining room table last weekend. Maybe tomorrow I can finish painting the bathroom...
  2. JAPAN. In late september I took my first trip to Japan. It was a business trip, but not an overly busy one. The food was great. The people were nice. The trains are on time. And then there's the sake and Karaoke...
  3. BIRTHDAY. For my 41st birthday a bunch of friends and co-workers showed up at Tommy's and farrr too much tequila was consumed...hoo boy.
  4. WORK WORK WORK. I've been working a lot...part of this is because we've been understaffed, and I've been doing the job that producers would do...if I had them. Well, I just on Friday officially extended offers to two candidates, one of whom's already accepted. Having them will make it possible for me to do the job I was hired to do, and maybe actually have a social life again.
  5. HIKE HIKE! I've beeen trying to go out and do more walking and hiking on weekends. Skip and I have been out hiking in the Oakland Hills over the past few weekends. Today we hiked to the top of Wildcat Peak. Hoping to keep doing that.
  6. MOVIES. Haven't seen that many in recent months, but I do recall seeing these:
  • The Indredibles -- A blast!
  • Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow -- Laaaaame
  • Team America World Police -- Rude, crude, foul, and I laughed until I hurt
  • The Corporation -- Interesting and Infuriating
  • OutFoxed -- Which Proves that Fox News is neither Fair nor Balanced...which should come as no big surprise to anyone

Posted by molyneaux at 9:31 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:40 PM PDT
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Saturday, 14 August 2004
Movin on Up
Topic: Domesticity isn't pretty
I've been in this apartment 7 years and 1/2 month. It's the longest I've ever lived in any one place nonstop. But, that; coming to an end at the end of this month, and I'm going to be renting one unit of a duplex owned by my friends Jerry and Patrick.

The place is great. Built in 1936, it's two floors with two bedrooms and bath in the carpeted upstairs, and living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs, which is mostly hardwood floors. The house is on a hill, so streetside the master bedroom is at 3rd floor height and the front door in up a flight of strairs (there's a garage below the living room), but step out the back door (kitchen) and it's ground level. There's a nice back yard I'll share with my landlords, and off the master bedroom is a wide balcony with a great view of all of downtown Oakland and glimpses of San Francisco beyond.

The living room and the 2nd bedroom both have corner windows. I love that. Now I have to start buying furniture to fill the place! Today I stopped at an open house at the Design Centre Italiano in Emeryville, and they had some really nice pieces, but more were too pricy for what they were, and a lot of it was too modern for my tastes. I did see a dining room table I drooled over, but it was close to $3K with the chairs. Yowch. For the living room I'm contemplating doing a mix of the art and crafts pieces I have with something more modern. I'm also toying with painting, because I hate white walls. I'm also trying to figure out what to do with the TV, since I hate how they dominate a room and I don't like those big TV cabinets. Can't wait for the day when those wall-hangable plasma screens are a reasonable price.

The only real downside is that the 2nd bedrooms's pretty small, but I've got some ideas on how to make the best use of that.

The other downside is that I have to start packing. Oy!

Posted by molyneaux at 4:59 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:41 PM PDT
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Saturday, 7 August 2004
What a day...
Topic: Work Stuff
Today was one of those days...

I woke up early and was showered and out the door by 6:50 a.m. All was fine on the commute...traffic wasn't too bad on I-880. Got into a slowdown just around the bottom of Hayward and the car in front of me stopped suddenly. I braked to a stop. The driver behind me wasn't paying close enough attention and slammed on his brakes late. He came to a stop just short of my car, but POW, another car hit him, and another car hit that. His car lurched forward and tapped my back bumper, but there was no damage. The other three cars were a wreck. Shook me up pretty good.

Then the day was really long. Not only did we have one of those 2+ hour meetings, but I had a zillion things to do, and I had to get a bunch of material ready for meetings with visitors from Japan on Monday. I got to work at 7:45 am, but didn't leave until almost 11pm. Oy!

A few things balanced out there day.
  1. Kenji-san had the arcade division bring a mini-cabinet Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga machine into my work area. Also, I understasnd we're also going to get a full-size Taiko No Tatsujin (Taiko Drum Master) arcade unit soon (it's a video game where you literally beat a Taiko drum as the controller)! Sometimes I love working in the videogame biz!
  2. Today was a company BBQ and it was nice to sit outside, chat and stuff my face.
  3. By the end of the night it was just Amy, Umesh and myself there, all slogging away, but we took a break for dinner (ordered in a pizza) and had a fun conversation that was part work, part personal, and mostly silly.

Posted by molyneaux at 1:10 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:42 PM PDT
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Friday, 9 July 2004
Random thought whilst commuting
Topic: Day to Day
I've thought this before, but it popped into hy head today while driving up highway 101...

Bumper stickers are the most cowardly form of self expression. You tell people what you think while racing away from them at 60 miles per hour.

Posted by molyneaux at 12:02 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:42 PM PDT
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Friday, 2 July 2004
Double A, M, C, O doesn't spell Namco
Topic: Work Stuff
My life takes some funny turns now and then. Today was the end of my first week at my new job as General Manager of Wireless Products at Namco of America, a place I wouldn't have expected to be only a month ago, when I was seriously considering bailing out of the game biz entirely.

As with most of the work I've had in this industry, I didn't go to it. It came to me. A colleague who knew I was looking for work gave my name to a recruiter. After much phone tag, the recruiter called me about this position at Namco. Two hours later, Namco called me and I did a 1.5 hour phone interview that went really well. They wanted me in for a face to face right away, but the man I needed to meet was in Japan, so, almost two weeks passed before I was able to come in for the interview. I honestly wasn't sure if I'd done well or not when I left, yet less than 24 hours after I'd left for the interview, the Chief Operating Officer called me directly and offered me the job!

Settling into a upper level position like this isn't the easiest thing in the world, as not only are you trying to remember eveyone's name and where the paperclips are, but you have to hit the ground running on a whole bunch of projects in various stages of pre- post and production.

But I can't complain too much, despite the 40 minute commute each way, I'm making over 1.5 times what I was making at Psygnosis 6 years ago, the company bought me a spiffy new camera phone and let me pick out my own computer for work, I get good benefits, work with nice people, I get to have a lot of say in what products we do, I'm going to Japan in Sept., and I get to play a lot of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man as part of my job. Yes, Namco IS the Pac-Man company, and the bread and butter of the Wireless division is getting the two main Pac games out on every handset possible. What a treat, since Ms. Pac-Man remains, to this day, my favorite video game of all time.

Life she is good!

Posted by molyneaux at 10:40 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:43 PM PDT
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Monday, 28 June 2004
FILM: Fahrenheit Wonderland - Friday 25 June
Topic: Cinema
Back in the days when I lived in BFE, aka Hawthorne, NV, it wasn't uncommon for me to go see two or three films in a single day when I'd hit what passed for civilization in Nevada. Outside of the occasional Film Festival, it's rare I see more than one film in a 24 hour period. Friday night/Saturday morning was an exception to the rule, as I saw two different films in two different cities only a few hours apart.

First up was a program at the Pacific Film Archive (PFA) at U.C. Berkeley, beginning with a lecture by animation historian John Canemaker on the work on artist Mary Blair, followed by a Disney film that she did conceptual work for: Alice in Wonderland. The presentation on Mrs. Blair was very interesting, and I really liked her work. Her bold, vibrant colors and elegant stylization the Disney artists were sadly never comfortable to truly bring to the screen. He evocative renderings of life in South America were enough for me to forgive her for her work on It's a Small World After All.

The film was less interesting than the lecture. But then I always felt that Alice was one of Disney's worst classic misfires (can you use those two words together?). I found the film teetered between silly and sappily sentimental and I was glad when it was over. The only positive thing I can say is that it was a beautiful 35mm print.

Oh well, at least the lecture was good, and I got John Canemaker to autograph one of his books that I owned.

Not half an hour after returning from that, Marc Finkel and I walked to the Grand Lake Theater to see a special last-minute-added midnight showing of Fahrenheit 9/11"...except it wasn't a midnight show, it was a 12:15 am show...except it wasn't that, either, because the previous show didn't let out until 12:25, and our show didn't start until 12:45. I got home at 3 am on the nose. Hoo boy, was I tired!

Seeing this film in Oakland was a funny experience. As "The Boondocks" points out, African American moviegoers often have little self-consciousness about talking back to the screen. In this instance, when Condoleezza Rice appeared on screen, some black person shouted "Traitor!", and in a shot of Colin Powell being made up for a TV spot, someone else commented, "Make me whiter!"

Some footage of civilian casualties in Iraq, wounded U.S. soldiers, and bodies burned and dragged around by mobs turned my stomach, but watching a Flint, Michigan mother dealing with the loss of her son literally made me ill. It was so terrible, it really got to me.

The film was effective. Sure, director/writer/self-promoter Michael Moore did his usual cheap shots, but they didn't bother me as much as they did in "Bowling for Columbine" because in this case, the people taking those shots so richly deserve them. For a change, Moore got out of the way for most of the film and for the most part let's the words of these public figures themselves condemn them.

Michael Moore's Website

My local theater...

On Sunday, Marc pointed me to the Michael Moore website, where a picture of our local theater made the main page, in part because the owners bucked the MPAA and decided they wouldn't treat the R rated film as an R, but as a PG-13 and let younger people in. Ahhh, activism...

More pictures of my local theater...
LINK: A queue forms...
LINK: Collage of the the scene

U P D A T E ! I forgot to mention that there's a scene in Fahrenheit that was shot right down the street from the theater where I saw it. Very strange to be watching a man on screen and know that the place he was standing is just three blocks to your back! (If you see the film, it's the older gentleman discussing how he got contacted by the FBI after voicing his opinion about Bush at the gym. Most of the shots of him are along the edge of Lake Merritt halfway between my apt. and the theater.)

Posted by molyneaux at 10:43 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:44 PM PDT
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