STORY PAINTER: "Peter Pan" - 7/2/92 - ACT ONE
" Peter Pan"
1 -- STORY PAINTER TOOLBOX - CLOSEDThe STORY PAINTER TOOLBOX is closed. Then. the latch releases and the top SWINGS OPEN, revealing the TOOLS. The tools are:2 -- EXT. NEVERLAND REEF - THE JOLLY ROGER - NIGHTAtomizerAdditional:
Crayon Box
PencilHourglass ("rewinds" game action)
Bookmarker (text level selector)In the "lid" is the ILLUSTRATION AREA. which at first appears as a BLANK WHITE SLATE.
Almost immediately the "tool effect area" border effect appears all around the Illustration Area. The Atomizer becomes active and AUTOMATICALLY goes to work, spraying the blank whiteness all over and POOF!, the scene suddenly becomes a DAYTIME view of the Neverland Reef, viewed from a low angle from the sea looking back at the island. Immediately following this, the CRAYON BOX opens and a RED CRAYON goes to work, coloring a ROCK on the reef so that, POOF! it becomes a crab. The PENCIL comes into play, connecting dots to form the pirate ship Jolly Roger out in the water between the reef and the shore.
Finally, the ERASER hops up and ERASES THE SUN. POOF! All goes dark, and it is now night and a full moon is in the sky.
3 -- EXT. JOLLY ROGER - WHEEL - NIGHTThe finished scene is a low angle from the sea looking back at Neverland Island. In the foreground is the reef, on which the CRAB saunters. Between the reef and the shore. laying low in the water, rests a "rakish looking craft. foul to the hull," the pirate ship Jolly Roger. A FULL MOON backlights the island and silhouettes the pirate ship. Light comes from the windows of Hook's cabin on the ship, and from lanterns on the deck.
NOTE: From this point on, unless otherwise indicated, all scenes, fades, dissolves, etc., described appear in the ILLUSTRATION AREA of the Story Painter Toolbox.
A DINGHY, one of its two passengers carrying a LANTERN, is pulling alongside the ship.
Above, a single STAR glides across the dark sky. moving towards the moon. The star passes IN FRONT OF the moon, and we see that it is accompanied by the SILHOUETTE of what looks like a flying boy.
The wheel of the Jolly Roger rests on the elevated deck above Hook's cabin. Standing alone at the aft railing is the villainous CAPTAIN JAMES HOOK. He is a commanding figure, cadaverous and blackavised, his hair dressed in long curls which at a distance look like black candles. He is dressed in a fine coat, but in this instance wears NO HAT.
Momentarily, BO'SUN SMEE -- the most "lovable" of the pirates ascends from the main deck. Smee is carrying an aid ROLLED-UP MAP. Hook turns excitedly to him, snatching the map and then holding it up triumphantly.
HOOK (triumphant)
At last! Barbecue's treasure map!Just then, PETER PAN appears; FLYING. He comes up from beyond the rail, passes over the pirates, and SNATCHES THE MAP away from Hook. Peter's faithful fairie friend, TINKER BELL accompanies him. Peter comes to a hovering halt off the side of the ship, looking back at the pirates. Tinker Bell FLIES IN SMALL CIRCLES next to Peter (she does NOT hover, EVER).
Peter defiantly strikes a pose and CROWS like a rooster. When he is done, he and Tiny FLY AWAY, leaving the pirates standing helplessly at the railing. Hook waves his hook.HOOK (furious)
Give me that map, Pan!DISSOLVE TO:HOOK You'll pay for this, Peter Pan. Pay dearly!