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Sunday, 27 March 2005
Home Improvement
Topic: Day to Day
Since I moved into this house [on Ivy Drive] I've been taking my time trying to design spaces that I actually want to live in, rather than just buying pieces and see how they fit together.

One of the odder spaces in the house is the kitchen, which isn't very big, and is made even smaller by a whole wall of cabinets at one end. That end of the room just feels too "woody" and boxed in.

So, I got the idea to put some kinds on insets into the the doors to break up the solid wall of wood.

CLICK HERE to see my concepts

I like the mirror concept a lot, but the weight of all that glass and all the holes I'd have to drill to support them makes me hesitant to go that route. I'm going to look into lighter metal or mylar materials that would be mirror-like. So decisions made...but I'm thinking.


Posted by molyneaux at 12:22 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:29 PM PDT
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Sunday, 27 March 2005 - 11:37 PM PST

Name: Phil

Y'know...if you're looking for comments...

I find the photo idea the most striking. The art was a bit too chaotic (and kitchens tend to be chaotic so that would only add to the vibe and make it worse). The last thing I want to do is see myself reflected when I'm cooking something I know is bad for me, the dark panels just dragged the room into a dark place.

But the that was large, exciting and unique. I liked that idea the best.

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