Topic: San Francisco
Bleary morning.
Was out too late last night at a party at my friend Marty's place. No drinking, just out much too late.
Hauled my headachy carcass out to have breakfast with Ben. After that we strolled into Golden Gate Park and went to the top of the DeYoung Museum, from which we could see Ben's new house over in the Sunset. I checked out the distances between the Museum, Botanical Gardens, etc., in preparation for visitors I'll have here in a few weeks. All very walkable.
Golden Gate Park is a size enigma. It seems huge when you drive past it. I mean, it goes on for over 50 (short end) blocks. You drive and drive and drive along this wall of trees.
But then, you walk through it, as I did this afternoon with my friend Steve and his two boys. We started from our Outer Richmond neighborhood and walked all the way to Stowe Lake and onto Strawberry Hill, then back again, each way being about half the Park's total length. You look at that on a map and it looks long. You walk's nothing. Steve's two young sons, alternately riding and walking their bikes, had no trouble doing it.
Given that, and given how close I am to the park, it's stupid that I'm not there all the time. Maybe this little walk will make get me out there more often.