Topic: Nostalgia
While doing research on immediate family history and places we lived. I rediscovered the old (and currently shuttered) Huntridge Theater, and other movie places we attended as kids. This made me think of films we saw in those theaters, which fired up some old synapses about things related to it.
One thing that popped to mind was a die cast toy I had from the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I don't recall what happened to mine, but I recalled it was roughly Hot Wheel sized and had wings that would fold out and snap on plastic airfoils at the front and back. My friend Sherri had one back in Fallon.
Out of curiosity, I Googled it to see if I could figure out who made it, and, as with the Sizzlers, it turns out it's being made...again.
Holy Transformers...of the past!
A few bucks to an online toy retailer and here it is. Just like I remember, but less banged up.
I'll make a parking space for it near the Batmobile...