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Saturday, 7 August 2004
What a day...
Topic: Work Stuff
Today was one of those days...

I woke up early and was showered and out the door by 6:50 a.m. All was fine on the commute...traffic wasn't too bad on I-880. Got into a slowdown just around the bottom of Hayward and the car in front of me stopped suddenly. I braked to a stop. The driver behind me wasn't paying close enough attention and slammed on his brakes late. He came to a stop just short of my car, but POW, another car hit him, and another car hit that. His car lurched forward and tapped my back bumper, but there was no damage. The other three cars were a wreck. Shook me up pretty good.

Then the day was really long. Not only did we have one of those 2+ hour meetings, but I had a zillion things to do, and I had to get a bunch of material ready for meetings with visitors from Japan on Monday. I got to work at 7:45 am, but didn't leave until almost 11pm. Oy!

A few things balanced out there day.
  1. Kenji-san had the arcade division bring a mini-cabinet Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga machine into my work area. Also, I understasnd we're also going to get a full-size Taiko No Tatsujin (Taiko Drum Master) arcade unit soon (it's a video game where you literally beat a Taiko drum as the controller)! Sometimes I love working in the videogame biz!
  2. Today was a company BBQ and it was nice to sit outside, chat and stuff my face.
  3. By the end of the night it was just Amy, Umesh and myself there, all slogging away, but we took a break for dinner (ordered in a pizza) and had a fun conversation that was part work, part personal, and mostly silly.

Posted by molyneaux at 1:10 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 May 2009 11:42 PM PDT
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Sunday, 8 August 2004 - 1:43 PM PDT

Name: Phil...

Sometimes, isn't it the unexpected pleasures that make Hell seem bearable?

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