Mood: chatty
Topic: Makin' Movies
Dana and I are signed up to be extras for the film "Milk" this week, so today we hit the used clothing stores in the Haight so I could find some appropriately 70s duds. I found a brown corduroy jacket with big labels, an approriate shirt and some old school Converse tennies. I've got jeans that will work.
Afterwards, we wandered over to the Castro to see what the first big night of crowd shooting would be.We wandered over to watch them filming tonight. They were shooting a protest that started in the Castro, and then was led by Harvey Milk to City Hall. It was a BIG shoot, as there were something like 1,500 extras!
It was kind of thrilling, seeing all those people yelling and chanting for equal rights. It's been over 30 years, but we're still not there...something that kinda hits close to home the night before an election. At the same time, it was like watching a live silent movie because in some takes they needed to get dialogue from the actors, so the crowd had to shut up. As they started "Background" the crowd would start chanting "GAY RIGHTS NOW!" to get in sync, and on the 4th repeat (just after "Action!") they all fell silent and just mouth it again and again. Weird.
Sean Penn looked totally different tonight, as this scene was set some years after the one we saw being shot last week, and he's now clean shaven and short haired.
In the photo linked there you can see Sean Penn in red with the megaphone. Dana and I were standing just off the left side of the picture's edge, against the wall. You only see a tiny portion of the crowd in this photo. The people filled up the intersection and down Castro Street past the Theater (see how pretty the sign is now!).
Stubbly...growing in the beard for a more 70s look. Note the 70s signage!
The set dressing is always kind of fun here. I noticed that they've pulled out the busstop shelters, and they cover the WALK/DON'T WALK lights with unlit artwork that looks like the older style signs. Best of all are the 1970's gas prices they put up on the corner!
The good old days of cheap gas and polluted air!